Monday 28 May 2012

Trip :3 x0x0x0x

Gallery #1 - I learnt that the moari word for treasure is Taonga this was one of the last gallerys we did so it was kind of boaring
Gallery #2 -I cant remeber :(((((((((
Gallery #3 - I learnt the moari word for hook , Matauc i didnt really like this
Gallery #4 - I learnt what was stored it the Pataka it was food
Gallery #5 - I learnt that before the Moaris saw the Europeans , the Moaris had never seen a gun , uh i got a shock at this this was probley the best bit because it was satifying looking at the words that popped up on the walls
Gallery #6 -I learnt what the pink and white terraces names we in moari ,pink- Otukapuarangi white- Te Tarata , it was pretty interesting becuase i didnt actully thingk it was that cool untill now
Gallery #7- I learnt that Linda Edwards was Miss New Zealand it was fun because ive met her . :)))))))))))))))))
Gallery #8 - it was the end . mwahahahahah it was fun putting the water on us mehehehehe <3
the bath houses were pretty interesting i thought they were fakes and then i found out they were real and i got a shock yuuur haha

Sunday 27 May 2012

my Unicorn is red ,orange , yellow , green ,blue , purple, and pink >:)))) its naame is Henry he has a white sprirely horn  :DD , Henry is cheating on sparky (kelins unicorn) with penelope (kristins unicorn)

Mr Unicorn

Today Mrs Harvey wasnt here >:(((((((((((((((((((((( so we had Whaea Piki shes nice to me even though me and kristin like to talk about unicorns .

Monday 21 May 2012


I cant dance ! .__________.

I fail at dancing :c
such a fail :3
the dances suuuuuuck for me -.-
Hayze , Brad and Taine . :DD now how to dance like meeeeeeh :(


Wednesday 16 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha capter 21

WALT edit and proof read our writing.
1, What do you think will happen
The gawk will call the police and put the gang in jail.

Monday 14 May 2012

Chapter 19 cry of the Taniwha

w.a.l.t -edit and proofread our writing
1 why did they go to the museum ?
because they wanted to return sovereigns

2 what do you think might be special about the ponga?
well Edward gave Mary the box witch had the ponga in it so it must have been special or Edward wouldnt have given it to her.

Sunday 13 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha capter 18

1 What does Eve do in this chapter ?

Eve saw Zerk checking on Matt and Jackson with the binoculars  so she got a piece of glass and pretended it was a diamond to side track Zerk then Zerk saw and straight away come down to get it then eve hid it again and smoothed the dirt down flat to trick him.

2 What is going to happen next ?

I think that the WXK gang is going to get home detention or community service . and Zerk is going to get the geologists are going to have to close off the area because Zerk would have told them and they would be searching for the so called diamond.

The Weekend

This weekend it was Mothers day, My mum my brother and I went to the mount to see my cousin my nana my other nana my aunty and poppa and my cousins . my dad was in a moooooooooood so he didnt come :L i had a blaast over there my cousina dn i walked down ti the wendys ice cream shop omnomnom it was yuuuuuuummy then it started raining so my mumma picked us up >:) then we went home back to my cousins flat and then stayed till the open home started . i learnt how to drive when we got back to rototua my dad took me . and i drove a long waay i waaas good as  c: yuuuuuur <3

Thursday 10 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha capter 17

1What is gawks real name?

2where dose he live?

3why did he give the items back?

4would you be worried if you were Matt? why?. why not?

1Cecil Hilton

2 He lives in a filthy grotty garage

3Jackson  is goign to tell the gang where he lives

4Yes if jackson tells the gang then hes strewed

Cry of the taniwha capter 15

W.A.L.T- justify answers using infromation from the text
)1 why did hone get angry ?
)2 predict what us going to happen next

Hone was getting angry because the WKX gang were being mean  . 2- All of the gang members goto juzzas house and theylight it on fire then juzza and matt survive and the wxk gang goto jail for 34 years 

Cry of the Taniwha chapter 16

WALT - Find the meaning of words

 1Q. Find the meaning of the following words: console / briefly / bombarded / edition / pendent
console- box that you put games in.
briefly-he stopped over briefly in rotorua
bombarded-to attack woth bombs
edition-there was a new edition of smurfs
pendent- a pendent lamp

2.Q Find where each word is used during the chapter and give the page number and paragraph number
console-first paragraph page 116 chapter 16
briefly-paragraph 7 page 116 chapter16
bombarded-last paragrph page 116 chapter16
edition-paragrph 2 page 117 chapter 16
pendent-paragrph 3 page 117 capter16

3.Q Wow me with an amazing sentence for each word.

My brother had a playstations console.
I would like to stop briegfly in every place around the world in 2023
My sister told my family . bombarded news that she was getting married.
I have a new edtion ipod.
I have a pendent.

Monday 7 May 2012

W.A.L.T - Justify answers using information from text

1.Why had Matt not slept well?
Because of being told about Jackson having to do a robbery to be in WXK. Also he is scared about what might happen in the future.
(Chapter 14 paragraph 1. )

1.Why did Nan tell Matt that he was famous?
He was on the front page of the newspaper with an article about the body and the gold.
(chapter 14 paragraph 2.)

3.What happened to Matt in the redwoods?
Matt was using his metal detector to find gold peices for the gang because otherwise he would get punched. He found 9 gold peices but he had to go to the toilet but GAWK stoel his metal detetctor and the gold and ran off.
(chapeter 14 paragraph 11.)

4.What did Eve find out?
Eve has assumed that the skeleton that was buried is Jack Boult because he went on a trip with the lady that had the diamond pendant but Jack didnt return with them.


Sunday 6 May 2012

W.A.L.T justify answers using infomation from the Text.
1)how is Matt feelign about juzza now ?
2)who is gawk?
3)what was gawk doing?

1)Matt wants to help juzza know that the gang are using juzza
2)Gawk is the perve in the bush who likes to watch the lovebirds makeout.
3)Gawk is perveing from the bushes watching to couples makeout.
Today oceania is coming to my whare >:) i cant wait and then shes coming to my whare again yay

my weekend :)(

On the weekend (saturday) i did nothing just stayed home and watched movies all day on (sunday) i did my homework aticale . and kristin was ment to come round but my mum and dad wouldnt go get her, so she stayed home and took photos with her sister and Aroha well i just did nothing FOREVERALONE:( oh well i actully moved my sheep into the right paddock ,and on saturday night my house got paintballed by some looneys they paintballed the door all our cars 3*, they paintballed the kitchen window and they paintballed out drive and ripped off a street sign (COBURG) St and left it at our front door at 11:30pm Devon and Me were outside cleaning it off . then we were going to goto bed when we were done then at like 12:15am the police came to my house to get the sign and ask what happened then today i was standing at our bustop and this chicks house got egged on the weekend woooooah what a weekend.

homework >:)

Emergency dash to save dog fails :(

A Whakatane couple picked up a dog that was near death who was on the side of the street they are extremely disappointed with the cruelty of animals.Last week the couple drove past a dog the wife said she caught a glimpse of the dog and immediately noticed it was in distress. The wife straight away told her husband to drive back. The couple slowly put the shaking dog in the back of there car and rushed to the vet there they were getting told what they already knew that the dog wasn't going to last much longer and was going to have to be put down. The wife sat on the floor with the dog stroking her until she died . The couple said it was good to see her go the shaking stop and the fear out of her eyes go away. The couple said they definetly  felt they had done the right thing.The couple were quiet angry at how anyone could let an animal get to this stage ,the police say if anyone sees a animal like this to contact the police straight away ,The matter is now in the hands of the police.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha chapter 11-12

W.A.L.T:Write informitive, interesting sentences.
Who are the following people?
a.)Louise Miller -Louise Miller is the loving mother of Mary Basham.Edward Basham is the husband of Mary Basham.He made the locket for Louise and placed a photo of her mother.
b.)Edward Basham-Edward Basham is the loving and rich husband of Mary Basham. He made the locket for louise with a picture of her mother.
c.)Mary Basham is married to Edward Basham. Mary has lots of expensive jewllery and keeps a diamond pendent under her bed.
d.)Scott Murrey is the leader of WXK.He used to be a good sports player but after his dad left he joined the gang.and become into girls, tattoos
e.)Ian McMillian a scientist that can identify the skeleton that Matt found.
f.)Eve is the girl staying in the hotel.who helped Matt find out the things about Louise Miller.


Wednesday 2 May 2012

Kristin Crook

Kristin Crook - Kristin is my bestfreind , LOOOOL . ive known here for since i was 5 shes beautiful , she comes to my house like every weekend , and shes as skinny as a tooth pick and as short as a table .weve had soe pretty cool momories together climbing on the roof . dtriving the car going to the beach arrgh. ! shes my eeerythang <3 x0x0x0x0x0x