Tuesday 4 September 2012

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

  1. What does the Field of Asphodel look like?
  2. What do you have to do to enter the Isles of the Blest?
  3. How do Grover, Percy and Annabeth end up at the pit of Tartarus?
  4. How is Hades’ aura different than Ares? How does Percy feel when he’s in Hades’ presence?
  5. Describe the guards at Hades’ palace.
  6. What sort of problems does Hades complain about?
  7.  Why was Percy’s backpack getting heavy?
  8. What terrible choice faces Percy when he decides to use the pearls? Would you have made the same choice he does? Why or why not?
  9. How do Annabeth and Grover prove themselves to be real friends to Percy?
  10. What is the power of the pearls?

    1.now imagine a felid a million times that big packed with people imagine the electricity has gone out and there is no noise no light no beach ball bouncing all over the crowd.

    2. for people who had been choosen to be reborn three times .

    3.Grover his flying shoes pulling him 10 feet off the ground

    5: the guards were skeletons and some were army gear and have saurds. and built in securiuty  cameras

    6 hades complains about hes helm and hes lightningbolt.

    7 Percys backpack was getting heavey because  the lightning bolt was in there.

    8: Percy choice is hard beacuse he has to choice wether its to save his mums life or his friends but he doesnt want to leave his friends behind.

    9:to prove them selfs as friends when they say they would stay behind and fight just so Percy can getr his mother.

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